Sunday, June 10, 2012

Win 2 Free Tickets To Le Web London, Courtesy Of TechCrunch

Well, over 1,000 tickets have been sold to Le Web London, the gigantic tech conference hitting the UK shores on June 19-20.

You want to go right? Well, TechCrunch has two tickets to give away, as part of the “adopt an entrepreneur” programme backed by Silicon Valley Bank and LEPE Partners.

Here’s how you win the tickets: Explain why you deserve to go to Le Web in the comments below. Convince us why, e.g. you’re a student with an amazing product or you’re the next Zuckerberg etc etc – you get the drift. (For extra points share Le Web London on your social networks, make some content/video, use the tags #leweb #lepe and #svb). We’ll pick the winners randomly from a group of the best entries.

Ok, go.

view the original artical here


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