Thursday, January 12, 2012

Is it just us, or the DROID line-up is starting to lose its appeal?

We know that everything that has a beginning, has an end, but don't you feel that the Motorola DROID series (we mean the DROID DROID, not the RAZR, PRO, XYBOARD, BIONIC or any other of the DROID models) is starting to lose its appeal, and it looks like no one is doing anything to change this situation? This thought hit us shortly after the announcement of the new DROID 4 at CES 2012. Here's what we mean...

There are three main reasons why we think the DROID line-up is in decline. These are: “more of the same”, “lack of hype” and “uninspiring design”.

More of the same

Ever since the original Motorola DROID came out, the company hasn't made a single change in the main concept behind the phone. Yes, a DROID is a DROID, so it has to have some characteristic features, but then again, history has proved that people get tired when they are continuously presented with more of the same. If Motorola wishes the DROID phone to live on, it will have to bring some kind of change to the basic idea of the model. I'll have to innovate it.

Is it just us, or the DROID line-up is starting to lose its appeal?
Lack of hype

Have you noticed that the last couple of DROIDs were announced suddenly, with almost zero presence in the news prior to that, no teasers, and overall – no buzz created around these models whatsoever. This is sad, considering the tremendous success their oldest predecessor had. Once launched, these newer models live a somewhat quiet life on the shelves, often overshadowed by some other premium phones. What Moto and Verizon need to do is to make the DROID hot again. Especially once they have brought some of the innovation that we mentioned above, they'll have all the prerequisites to build some hype around the series again.

Uninspiring design

By “uninspiring design” here we mean that almost any appeal in terms of quality construction and materials has been stripped off the DROID 4. Firstly, even though the handset features elements of the DROID RAZR's design language, this does not include the details that made the RAZR cool, namely the Kevlar back and diamond-cut accents. Secondly, the phone is entirely made of plastic, with no metal parts in its casing to give it a more premium feel. Unfortunately, it doesn't stop here, as the DROID 4 has even lost the most characteristic appearance feature of its predecessors – the protruding screen area. For us, that change is more of a loss than a win.

We're interested in hearing your opinion on the matter. Do you share our observations that the Motorola DROID line is no longer as exciting as it once was? C'mon, sound off in the comments below!



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